17 to 18

17 to 18

Monday, June 2, 2008

Today was fun! We woke up at 6:20!! That was the hardest part of the day, for me at least..The first day of work was a success! My group worked on a pastel green house. The couple that lived there are shrimpers. They live somewhere else temporarily. We primed, painted, and caulked all day long. It was very hot in the 90 degree, not air conditioned house. When we got there, it seemed as if caulking the entire house, priming and painting all the walls and doors, putting the counter tops in, and painting the walls would never get finished, but we blasted the boom box and played games while we worked. It was hard work but the less we looked at the clock, the quicker time flew by. The most difficult part of the day was trying to keep clean. I've never felt so dirty and sweaty in my life. I can't wait until tomorrow! We are planning on finishing our work at house tomorrow!

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