17 to 18

17 to 18

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Was So Excited I Ate My Hands

There are two kind of people in the world those that think they can, and those that think they can't, by the way both of them are correct.

I am spending a wonderful week with 127 who think they can.

It is amazing how much joy, there can be in hanging out with good people who are so committed to others and each other. I am doing a lot of driving this week, often hauling students who have worked in the soup kitchen or today working with the homeless in the Micah Center back to their construction sites.

They could linger for a moment in an air-conditioned room at Back Bay, but so often they are literally begging me to get back to the job. They want that work, that experience of building something of getting back to their team.

I am so proud of each and every one of these students, and their parents, and Bill, Terri, and Jennie who just decided to share their talent. And today, thanks to Tooter and Updog for their wonderfulness and the laughs they gave me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm so glad the girls are having the greatest experience of their lives! I just noticed the reunion picture with Mrs. Fields. I did work at her house last summer; it still looks amazing! She was the one of the most grateful people I've ever worked with besides Daryl (and his cowboy swing). I'm glad some girls returned and went back to visit her. Keep up the good work!!! :) :)