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Monday, May 30, 2011

Patty (Work Day #1)

This is Orca (Sarah Kollef). Today was the first day at our work site, and we worked with Back Bay Mission at a house painting and doing yard work. When we got to the site in the morning, we met the homeowner, Patty. She lived in the house with her son and six cats. They were confined to two small rooms while their house was being worked on for fourteen months. Today was really exciting because her house should be finished by the end of the week. We saw a lot of signs for the Spirit of Seal. When we asked Patty about this she explained that on the 29th of every month everyone on her block gathers for a block party (her block is named Seal). The reason they do this is because Hurricane Katrina hit them on the 29th six years ago and they celebrate the fact that they are still here six years later. Knowing Patty's story made it a lot easier to work all day and has given me inspiration to carry on the rest of the week.
I can't wait to continue working tomorrow!

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