17 to 18

17 to 18

Sunday, May 30, 2010

After a grueling 7 hour drive (which actually flew by faster than expected), we got to in Jackson, MI with minimal damage. A broken car and a few detours later, everyone arrived safe and sound at the Hampton Inn. Before leaving for St. Richards parish, we played an intense round of UNO, SpongeBob style. At the parish, we were treated to the best home-cooked Southern meal we'd ever had and then surprised by a plethora of games. We played spoons, dodgeball, catchphrase, and bunko, which somehow managed to have different rules at every table. We finished the night with some karaoke and rapping done by the talented girls on this trip. The amazing hospitality of everyone in Jackson was greatly appreciated, and started off the trip on a very high note.
This morning, we returned to St. Richards for mass, where we were again welcomed warmly and even applauded at mass. After a mishap involving an automatically locking door and no working cell phones at the church after the service, we finally got on the road. A refreshing downpour at the Southern bbq joint drenched some of us during the lunch break, and most of us arrived on schedule at the Back Bay House by 3 (except for the two cars in the middle of Louisiana...). The accommodations exceed expectations (Harry Potter reference) and we are feeling energized and ready for the week ahead of us. Now we're off to play a game of frisbee! Talk to "y'all" later!
Mad-Eye (Elizabeth Modde), Whetsel the Pretzel (Catherine Whetsel), Showtime (Jenny Starrs), Lil' Bidness (Erica Watson)

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